Dredging Contractor Services

Innovative Marine Solutions performs dredging services in marinas, canals, lakes, and ponds for residential, commercial, and municipal clients in Galveston Bay, Dickinson Bay, Dickinson Bayou, San Leon, Bacliff, Kemah, Clear Lake Shores, and surrounding areas. Our experienced crews are able to use both mechanical or hydraulic dredging methods to perform this work.

Bulkhead Builder Contractor | Galveston, Clear Lake Shores | Innovative Marine Solutions Texas

Dredging is necessary and encouraged when excess sediment threatens to compromise the health and beauty of a body of water on your residential or commercial property. By removing the nutrient-rich sediments from your body of water you can restore the depth and promote a healthier fish activity and water quality by increasing the amount of oxygen in your water. Our hydraulic dredging methods are the safest possible option to remove sediment from your lake, pond or other body of water without impacting aquatic life.

As dredging specialists, we provide effective solutions for maintaining, enhancing the appearance, longevity, and continued value of your property.

From estimation, permitting, project management, to the final disposal, Innovative Marine Solutions will handle your entire dredging project. We pride ourselves on the value, personal attention, and quality of work we provide to our clients.

  • Marinas
  • Canals
  • Detention ponds
  • Golf courses
  • Property owners associations
  • Municipalities
  • Private pond and lake owners

Highly experienced

Know Your Marine Lingo

  • Bulkhead – A raised structure (usually made of vinyl, wood, or concrete) built to protect the shore from erosion.

  • Pile – A long slender column (usually made of wood, steel, or composite) driven into the ground to support a vertical load.

  • Whaler – Horizontal supports that are usually 4”x 6”, 4”x 8”, or 6”x 6”.

  • Deadman – An anchor pile usually 6” to 8” in diameter and 8’ to 10’ in length. Or a helical earth anchor 6”, 8”, or 10” based on the engineer’s specifications.

  • Tie Rod – A ¾” galvanized rod used as a connecting member from the piling to the deadman.

  • Cap – Usually wood or composite decking.